Kenny Chang 2020-12-28 08:47:43
1. 弄壞 → 遙控器被弟弟弄壞了。 The remote control was broken by my brother.
2. 玩壞 → 遙控器被弟弟玩壞了。 The remote control was broken by my brother when he played with it.
3. 摔壞 → 遙控器被弟弟摔壞了。 The remote control was broken by my brother when he dropped it on the floor/ground.
4. 撞壞 → 遙控車被弟弟撞壞了。 The remote-controled car was broken by my brother when he crashed it into the wall (or something).
5. 坐壞 → 椅子被弟弟坐壞了(例如坐在椅子上一直搖晃)。 The chair was broken by my brother when he sat in it and kept rocking it.
有 6 個答案