各位是否覺得 dare 這個字很難懂,一直搞不懂 dare 的用法?中英物語來教你最正確的用法,表達「敢」與「不敢」的意思。
dare 可當成一般動詞或助動詞使用,請看以下的例子。
1. He wouldn't dare to lie to his parents. (這種用法常用在否定句,正確)
2. He does not dare to lie to his parents. (dare 當成一般動詞使用,正確)
3. He dare not lie to his parents. (dare 當成助動詞使用,正確)
4. He dares not lie to his parents. (錯誤,dare 在這裡當助動詞使用,第三人稱也是 dare,而不是 dares)
1. He dares to lie to his parents. (dare 當成一般動詞使用,第三人稱是 dares,正確)
2. He dare lie to his parents. (聽的懂,但當 dare 當助動詞使用時,一般不會用在肯定句)
3. He doesn't mind lying to his parents. (雖沒用到 dare,卻是很普遍的說法)
4. He is not afraid to lie to his parents. (雖沒用到 dare,卻是很普遍的說法)
所以,當 dare 使用起來很彆扭時,就換個字使用。
1. He did not dare to ask her. (正確,dare 當一般動詞使用)
2. He dared not ask her. (正確,dare 當助動詞時,也能用過去式)
3. He didn't have the courage/heart to ask her. (正確,很普遍的說法)
4. He was afraid to ask her. (正確,很普遍的說法)
5. He can't bring himself to ask her. (正確)
I didn't dare to tell my dad that I had scratched his car.
I was afraid to tell my dad that I had scratched his car.
通常在問句中 dare 會當作動詞使用,例如:
If you dare to touch me, I'll kick your ass = 你敢碰我,我就揍你
How dare you speak to me like that? (又正確又普遍的說法)
1. Do you dare to speak to him like that? (正確)
2. Do you dare speak to him like that? (錯誤)
3. Dare you speak to him like that? (正確)
4. Can you speak to him like that? (正確)

請參考 Engoo 線上英文
文明病的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 行政工作 f我要發問填空題
你在哪個學校就讀? (請填空)
Where do you go to scool?
下一題 - 瀏海