愛的你儂我儂 的英文怎麼說
- A: I just saw a lovey-dovey couple making out at the park.
B: That's very inappropriate. They should behave themselves in public. - A: They have been married for over fifty years and they still hold each other's hands when they go out.
B: How romantic. - Look at that couple over there smiling and caressing each other. Aren't they sweet? I haven't seen a couple this in love.
- A: How are things with Cindy?
B: Cannot be better. We are very much in love.
[1] romantic[2] lovey-dovey[3] affectionate[4] sweet[5] in love
a romantic couple = a lovey-dovey couple = 很恩愛的情侶或夫妻,但 lovey-dovey 強烈的暗示用肢體表達愛意,而 romantic 可指那種由內而外散發出愛的你儂我儂的感覺。
Aren't they sweet? = 他們是不是甜死人了?
I haven't seen a couple this in love. = 我從未見過這麼恩愛、感情這麼好的小倆口
We are very much in love. = 我們愛的你儂我儂
a romantic couple = a lovey-dovey couple = 很恩愛的情侶或夫妻,但 lovey-dovey 強烈的暗示用肢體表達愛意,而 romantic 可指那種由內而外散發出愛的你儂我儂的感覺。
Aren't they sweet? = 他們是不是甜死人了?
I haven't seen a couple this in love. = 我從未見過這麼恩愛、感情這麼好的小倆口
We are very much in love. = 我們愛的你儂我儂
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
逆風的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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