是 Time 跟 Timing 跟 Times 的差別:
Time: 單純指時間, 前面加 the 表示地區的時間, 如 The time is six thirty PM.
不加 the 表示一個人是否有空檔, 如 "Do you have time now?"
Timing: 指時機, 譬如 The timeing is right for us to expand our business into China. 或 I'd like to ask my boss for a raise but the timing is not right yet because the company just lost a big case.
Times: 指時代, 比如說一個人落伍可以說 He's behind the times. 反之則可說 He's ahead of the times.
時代變遷可說 Times have changed.
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梗的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 預算緊 f我要發問填空題
他所有方面都很出色,讓我們望塵莫及。 (請填空)
He exces on all fronts, putting the rest of us to shame.
下一題 - 對人兇