鼓起來 的英文怎麼說
- When you are doing push-ups, make sure your buttocks and head are not protruding. Keep your body in a straight line.
- Hey pal you gotta go easy on beer. Look at your protruding belly!
- His finger swelled after it got stung by a bee.
- I got a bump on my head after I hit my head on the fridge's door.
- The center of this car tire protrudes.
- He saw the bulge of my pocket and asked what I had in my pocket.
- My baby girl was born with a protruding forehead. I noticed it immediately after birth.
- My baby's ears stick out a bit.
- Her teeth stick out a little.
[1] protrude[2] swell; bump[3] stick out[4] bulge[5] (adjective) protruding
swell 指腫起來; protrude 指凸出來, 例句是說做伏地挺身時屁股與頭別突出來. bulge 形容鼓鼓的樣子。
stick out = 突出來,例如:
ears stick out a bit = 耳朵有點突出
teeth stick out a little = 牙齒有點凸出
protruding 跟 bulging 常用來形容突出來的東西,例如:
a protruding forehead = a bulging forehead = 突出的額頭
your bulging belly = your protruding belly = 你的凸出來的肚子
stick out = 突出來,例如:
ears stick out a bit = 耳朵有點突出
teeth stick out a little = 牙齒有點凸出
protruding 跟 bulging 常用來形容突出來的東西,例如:
a protruding forehead = a bulging forehead = 突出的額頭
your bulging belly = your protruding belly = 你的凸出來的肚子
- 他的手指頭被蜜蜂螫後腫起來.
- 我頭碰到冰箱門之後就留下一個包.
- 一個平面中間凸出來
- 他看到我口袋的皮夾凸出來就想奪走.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
榛果的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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