過火 的英文怎麼說
- I know I've made many personal jokes and some of them might have gone too far, but you gotta know I absolutely mean well.
- I know you are on a diet, but don't overdo it.
- You wrote this complicated program to do this simple task? That's overkill!
- If you take someone out on a date for the first time, you don't want to go overboard.
- I went overboard in decorating my room.
- Don't go overboard with baked foods.
- A: Should we buy these ten-dollar holiday cards for our friends?
B: I think that would be too much; let's just get these two-dollar cards. - The comedian is funny, but sometimes he goes over the top and I don't find him funny at all.
- You shouldn't go too far when it comes to religion.
- If you take your religious piety too far, it may hurt your relations with friends and family.
- A: A friend of mine used to have his cell phone provider charge his phone for him for free. He really wanted to save money.
B: Wow. That's a bit overboard don't you think? - He thinks he's funny, but sometimes his jokes go too far.
- A: What should I wear for my first date? How about this suit?
B: You want to look formal but you don't want to overdo it. Lose that bowtie.
[1] overdo[2] overkill[3] go overboard[4] too much[5] go over the top[6] go too far; take something too far[7] go to extremes; take something to the extreme[8] something is overboard
很多時候沒有像過分一樣負面的意思, 大多時候指做一件事情太誇張, 請參考例句.
overdo 很好用,例如某人第一次約會想穿很正式的西裝,你就可以勸他別正式過頭。
go too far 可說是最好用的英文之一,例句所說的 some of them might have gone too far 表示我說的笑話中有一些太過火、太超過,容易傷到人之類的。
That's a bit overboard = 那樣子做就有點太過份/過頭了
千萬別說「你太 over 了」或「You are too over」。
overdo 很好用,例如某人第一次約會想穿很正式的西裝,你就可以勸他別正式過頭。
go too far 可說是最好用的英文之一,例句所說的 some of them might have gone too far 表示我說的笑話中有一些太過火、太超過,容易傷到人之類的。
That's a bit overboard = 那樣子做就有點太過份/過頭了
千萬別說「你太 over 了」或「You are too over」。
- 我知道你正在節食, 不過你最好不要太過火.
- 就為了這個小case寫了這麼複雜的程式? 太過頭了吧.
- 第一次跟女生約會, 不要太誇張.
- 我裝飾我的房間太過頭了.
- 少吃烤的食物.
- 甲: 我們應該為朋友買這些十塊錢的聖誕卡嗎?
乙: 我覺得太過頭了, 我們就買這些兩塊錢的卡片吧. - 這個喜劇演員很好笑,可是有時候動作太誇張, 讓我覺得一點都不好笑了.
- 對宗教的信仰不應該太狂熱.
- 如果你對宗教太狂熱, 很容易打壞你跟朋友和家人的關係.
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
糞便的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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