貶低 的英文怎麼說
- A: A meteor is traveling towards Earth right now, but the news says it won't hit us.
B: I know. I don't know why the White House downplayed the significance of the meteor.
A: Perhaps to prevent people from panicking? - If you can give me some dirt about him so I can talk him down in the debate, I will give you a hundred bucks.
- Prostitution degrades women.
- I am asking you to please do your best to never minimize those around you. You should love each other.
- At the weekly meeting my boss was doing what he always does - minimizing, condescending. I've had it. I quit.
[1] to downplay[2] talk somebody down[3] degrade somebody[4] minimize somebody
to downplay = 貶低某事的嚴重性或重要性,例如明明很嚴重的事情,某機關卻說很不重要,這樣子的動作就能用 downplay,如:
downplay its importance = 貶低它的重要性
talk somebody down 就是罵人,把他說的一文不值的意思.
degrade somebody = 貶低某人
minimize those around you = 貶低身旁的人
he's doing what he always does - minimizing, condescending = 這是他的一貫作風,貶低他人、居高臨下
downplay its importance = 貶低它的重要性
talk somebody down 就是罵人,把他說的一文不值的意思.
degrade somebody = 貶低某人
minimize those around you = 貶低身旁的人
he's doing what he always does - minimizing, condescending = 這是他的一貫作風,貶低他人、居高臨下
- 如果你告訴我關於他的八卦讓我能在辯論會中貶低他, 我就給你一百塊.
- 召妓貶低了女生的身分.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
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He has o eye for antiques.
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