愧疚 的英文怎麼說
- My conscience would really bother me if I bought this Chanel handbag. I can barely make ends meet.
- A: Let's go steal that old woman's handbag.
B: I cannot. It will make me not able to live with myself for the rest of my life. A: You are right. Forget it. - It starts to get on my conscience about having an affair with my husband's best friend.
- I am still suffering from the pangs of conscience because I did not stop my daughter from getting married at such a young age.
- If I get fired, it should be on your conscience because you distract me from my work.
- The cold blooded serial killer seemed to have no qualms about his heinous crimes. Therefore the judge gave him a death sentence.
[1] one's conscience bothers one[2] make one not able to live with oneself[3] on somebody's conscience[4] suffer the pangs of conscience[5] qualms
這些都是正統的美語說法,最簡單的英文就是 make me not able to live with myself,又白話又貼切的表示良心不安。
one's conscience bothers one 也很好用,就是良心不安。
另外,conscience 的意思就是良心:
問心無愧 = have a clear conscience
問心有愧 = have a guilty conscience
one's conscience bothers one 也很好用,就是良心不安。
另外,conscience 的意思就是良心:
問心無愧 = have a clear conscience
問心有愧 = have a guilty conscience
我跟我先生最好的朋友外遇, 漸漸覺得良心不安.
果我被開除了, 你應該覺得良心不安, 因為你一直讓我分心.
果我被開除了, 你應該覺得良心不安, 因為你一直讓我分心.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
商店賒帳的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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