出賣 的英文怎麼說
- Andy and Ben committed a crime together. When they were caught by the police, Andy sold out Ben by telling the police what Ben did.
- A: I thought we agreed to pretend to be a couple in front of my friends. Why did you sell me out?
B: I am sorry. I got nervous and I told them the truth. - His Achilles' heel is his absolute loyalty to his friends. One day he may get betrayed by his fair-weather friends.
- Good friends won't betray you.
- He said he didn't like her, but his face gave him away.
[1] sell somebody out[2] betray; double-cross[3] give one away
sell out = 出賣,可用在很多情況
betray = 背叛
his face gave him away = 他的臉上的表情出賣了他
betray = 背叛
his face gave him away = 他的臉上的表情出賣了他
- 他最大的弱點就是對朋友百分百的忠心, 有一天很有可能被酒肉朋友出賣.
- 好朋友不會出賣你的.
- 他說他不喜歡她, 但他的臉出賣了他 (事實上他喜歡她).
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
俗辣的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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