不捨得 的英文怎麼說
- I know I've got lots of old stuff I no longer use, but I just don't have the heart to throw them all away.
- I cannot bear to lose you. Please come back to me.
- I cannot bear to see you cry.
- I love you too much to hit you.
- The card you wrote on the box of cookies you gave me is so exquisite that I am not willing to throw it away.
- Your gift's wrapping is so exquisite that I cannot throw it away.
- Your gift's wrapping is so exquisite that I don't want to throw it away.
- Your gift's wrapping is so exquisite that I cannot bear to throw it away.
- I am reluctant to let him drive my sports car.
- My marriage is too precious for me to give up.
- Parents feel sad about their children leaving them to go to school abroad.
- After hearing how miserable he is, I felt sympathetic for him.
- I love her too much to let her go.
[1] don't have the heart to do something[2] cannot bring oneself to do something[3] cannot do something[4] cannot bear to[5] reluctant to
do not want to
not willing to[6] too...to...[7] feed sad about[8] sympathetic
do not want to
not willing to[6] too...to...[7] feed sad about[8] sympathetic
I don't have the heart to throw it away. = 我捨不得丟掉它
I cannot bring myself to throw it away. = 我捨不得丟掉它
另外,捨不得常可以用 cannot do something 表示,如果你想表得你捨不得某人或某物,可用 cannot bear to,如:
I cannot bear to fire her = 我捨不得開除她
I cannot bear to lose you = 我捨不得失去你 = 我不忍心失去你
I cannot bear to see you cry = 我怎麼捨得看你流淚
當「捨不得」跟「不想」或「不願意」的意思相近時就用[3]. [4]指太怎麼樣以致不能做什麼事, 請參考例句. [5]指因為某事難過,例如跟心愛的人說再見. [6]是心裡產生同情心的意思.
I love you too much to hit you = 我怎樣捨得打你
I don't have the heart to throw it away. = 我捨不得丟掉它
I cannot bring myself to throw it away. = 我捨不得丟掉它
另外,捨不得常可以用 cannot do something 表示,如果你想表得你捨不得某人或某物,可用 cannot bear to,如:
I cannot bear to fire her = 我捨不得開除她
I cannot bear to lose you = 我捨不得失去你 = 我不忍心失去你
I cannot bear to see you cry = 我怎麼捨得看你流淚
當「捨不得」跟「不想」或「不願意」的意思相近時就用[3]. [4]指太怎麼樣以致不能做什麼事, 請參考例句. [5]指因為某事難過,例如跟心愛的人說再見. [6]是心裡產生同情心的意思.
I love you too much to hit you = 我怎樣捨得打你
- 我捨不得把我的跑車借他開.
- 我捨不得把這我的婚姻放棄掉.
- 媽媽捨不得兒子離開她
- 聽到他這麼可憐, 我心裡捨不得.
- 我不捨得讓她離開
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
摸索的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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這公司的執行長掏空了公司所有的錢,真是個卑鄙無恥之徒。 (請填空)
The company's CEO embezled and drained all the company's money. What a despicable lowlife.
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