雪上加霜 的英文怎麼說
- When my family is in a fight, I don't get involved to avoid adding fuel to the fire.
- He just broker up with his girlfriend and is very depressed. Don't add insult to injury by talking to him about your close relationship with your girlfriend.
- Andy: I lost a lot of money with this new business.
Ben: I told you you should not have invested in it. You deserved it.
Calvin: Ben, Andy needs our support. Stop making him feel worse. or Stop making things worse. - A: Did you tell your wife you want to leave her?
B: I tried, but her dad just passed away. I couldn't pile on and make her even sadder.
A: I see. Let's find another time. I am looking forward to being together with you.
[1] Add fuel to the fire or flame.[2] Add insult to injury.[3] Stop making somebody feel worse.[4] to pile on
指做了某些事情, 使已經不好的情況變的更糟糕.
例句中的 I couldn't pile on 意思是「我無法火上加油」或「我無法雪上加霜」。
例句中的 I couldn't pile on 意思是「我無法火上加油」或「我無法雪上加霜」。
- 當我的家人吵架時我不涉入, 以免火上加油讓他們吵得更兇.
- 他剛跟女友分手, 心情低落, 你不要火上加油, 跟他敘述你跟你女友的親密關係.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
寶貝的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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