陷入兩難 的英文怎麼說
- A: I am torn between staying home and moving out.
B: Why do you want to move out?
A: I don't want my family to bother me when I am home, but I love my mom's cooking. - After I graduated from college, I didn't want to go to graduate school, and I didn't want to get a job, either. I was caught in a dilemma.
- When presented with a bribe, the government official went through an internal struggle and eventually turned it down.
- Many introverted individuals are constantly internally conflicted about who they are. Don't worry. You are not alone.
[1] be torn between A and B[2] in a dilemma[3] between a rock and a hard place[4] between the devil and the deep blue sea[5] an internal struggle[6] be internally conflicted about something[7] in a predicament[8] in a bind[9] in a difficult/awkward situation
就是指每一個選擇都不好, 可是我又得選一個. in a dilemma 最普遍, 其它的也都是常用的片語。
torn between A and B = 在A跟B之間做選擇時左右為難
在 between the devil and the deep blue sea 裡請注意, devil 不是指魔鬼, 而是指船邊連接的部分.
an internal struggle = 天人交戰,也就是內心的針扎與矛盾
in a difficult/awkward situation = 處在困難/尷尬的請況
torn between A and B = 在A跟B之間做選擇時左右為難
在 between the devil and the deep blue sea 裡請注意, devil 不是指魔鬼, 而是指船邊連接的部分.
an internal struggle = 天人交戰,也就是內心的針扎與矛盾
in a difficult/awkward situation = 處在困難/尷尬的請況
我大學畢業之後不想念碩士, 又不想工作, 真是進退兩難.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
偷工減料的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 粗心大意 f我要發問填空題
他所有方面都很出色,讓我們望塵莫及。 (請填空)
He excls on all fronts, putting the rest of us to shame.
下一題 - 有別於