適當 的英文怎麼說
- If there is a single word that serves as a fitting representation of the year 2020, it's "resilience".
- "Quagmire" is a fitting word for your situation because you are in an inescapable and awkward situation.
- What are the proper ways to raise a child?
- He handled this delicate situation appropriately. He's so smart.
- This GPS device is suitable for collecting location data for analytics purposes.
- That big pan is not suitable for stir-fry cooking because it's too heavy.
- This diet is suitable for anyone who wants to reduce body fat and gain muscle fast.
- The book critic's comments about Harry Potter were quite appropriate and were well-received.
- This horror film is way too scary for little kids to watch. It's not appropriate for them.
(adjective) fitting
fitting 指適當,例如第二個例句的意思是「quagmire 是個形容你的處境的很適當的英文字」。
a word that serves as a fitting representation of 2020 = 一個很適當形容2020年的英文字
「適當」也有另外一個意思,指做某事情的處理方式很適當得宜,就可以用 proper 或 appropriate,例如:
the proper ways to do something = the appropriate ways to do = 做某事情的適當、合適的方法
另外,appropriate = 適當的/恰當的/合適的,例如:
appropriate films for kids = 適合兒童觀看的電影
appropriate comment = 適當的言論
suitable 也可指適當、適合,例如:
suitable for collecting data = (某物)對收集資料很適當、適合
not suitable for stir-fry cooking = (某物)對於炒東西不適當、不適合
suitable for anyone = (某事物)對任何人都適當、適合
a word that serves as a fitting representation of 2020 = 一個很適當形容2020年的英文字
「適當」也有另外一個意思,指做某事情的處理方式很適當得宜,就可以用 proper 或 appropriate,例如:
the proper ways to do something = the appropriate ways to do = 做某事情的適當、合適的方法
另外,appropriate = 適當的/恰當的/合適的,例如:
appropriate films for kids = 適合兒童觀看的電影
appropriate comment = 適當的言論
suitable 也可指適當、適合,例如:
suitable for collecting data = (某物)對收集資料很適當、適合
not suitable for stir-fry cooking = (某物)對於炒東西不適當、不適合
suitable for anyone = (某事物)對任何人都適當、適合
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
感恩的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 助動詞 f我要發問填空題
他的家庭的和諧的樣子只是有名無實罷了。 (請填空)
His family seems happy and united, but it's all a harade.
下一題 - 艱辛