計較 的英文怎麼說
- He is frugal or thrifty with money.
- Girls are usually sensitive about their weights.
- Why are you complaining about helping your own parents?
- A: Last week you called me a cheapskate.
B: It's in the past. Can you stop dwelling on it? - Sorry for my child's bad behavior. Please don't mind him.
- A: I am sorry, but I cannot give you any free legal advice.
B: Come on. You are my friend. Don't be so stingy. - Don't sweat the small stuff. Focus on the important things.
- A big-hearted woman, the wife forgave her husband and let go of every bad thing he had done to her.
[1] frugal; thrifty[2] sensitive about something
particular about something[3] complain about something[4] dwell on[5] care; mind; sweat[6] stingy; penny-pincher
particular about something[3] complain about something[4] dwell on[5] care; mind; sweat[6] stingy; penny-pincher
計較在不同的情況有不同的意思. frugal 跟 thrifty 指節省, 對金錢計較. [2]指對某樣東西敏感, 譬如說女生對自己的體重敏感. [3]指對某事抱怨. [4]指過去的事還拿出來計較.
Don't sweat the small stuff. 意思是別計較小事情。[6]指金錢上的計較, stingy 也可指計較別的東西.
不計較可說 let go of something, 如例句。
Don't sweat the small stuff. 意思是別計較小事情。[6]指金錢上的計較, stingy 也可指計較別的東西.
不計較可說 let go of something, 如例句。
- 甲: 你叫我名字叫錯了.
乙: 別跟我計較嘛, 我不大會發音名字. - 他對金錢斤斤計較.
- 當你買房子的時候, 應該盡量殺價, 以拿到好價錢.
- 他凡事斤斤計較, 很不得人緣.
- 甲: 剛剛開會時你為何說我是你的奴隸?
乙: 那只是比喻罷了, 別計較. - 女生通常對自己的體重很計較.
- 他每次為別人做點事情就想要別人的回報, 很斤斤計較.
- 你幫自己的父母有什麼好計較的?
- 甲: 每次都是我開車, 今天換你開車了吧.
乙: 你不用這麼計較吧. - 甲: 上週你罵我是一個小氣鬼.
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
自在的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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