自願 的英文怎麼說
- He gave me $100 of his own will.
- I volunteered to work at a rescue camp.
I made a voluntary donation. - He offered to drive me home.
- Judge: Did the tenant move out by choice or by force?
Landlord: Your honor, he moved out by choice.
Tenant: Your honor, my landlord is lying. I moved out by force. My landlord made me move out. - I had the experience of studying abroad, but it wasn't on my own will. It was because my parents had to work abroad.
- I came to the south to help with the disaster relief on my own will, and on my own dime.
[1] of one's own [accord or volition or (free) will][2] volunteer; voluntary; voluntarily[3] offer[4] by choice[5] on one's own will
of one's own volition 是正式或法律用語. [1]通常可以這麼用: One does something of one's own [accord/volition/(free) will]. [2][3]的用法是 One volunteers/offers to do something. 代表一個人自願做某事, 不過 offer 也可能指出價或提議. Voluntary 是形容詞.
自願也可以用 on one's own will,例如:
I went abroad to study on my own will. = 我自願出國念書
自願也可以用 on one's own will,例如:
I went abroad to study on my own will. = 我自願出國念書
- 他自願給我一百元.
- 我自願去救難營工作.
我捐獻了東西. - 他自願載我回家.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
天下沒有白吃的午餐的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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這名影星愛慕虛榮,只穿名牌服飾。 (請填空)
Te movie star is extremely materialistic and only wears name brand clothes.
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