泡妞 的英文怎麼說
- A: I think Bella was coming on to me. She kept smiling at me and handing me food at the buffet.
B: You should tell her you can only be friends with her because you are engaged. - He loves to flirt with his friends' female friends.
- (At a bar) C'mon, let's start approaching women.
- Guys: Let's go pick up girls at the bar.
- Girl: I got hit on on the bus by a pervert!
- Can't you see that your friends are hitting on your attractive sister?
- A (talking to C): Oh my goodness. You are as beautiful as you are funny.
B: Dude, why are you sweet-talking my date?
A: Why can't I?
[1] come on to somebody[2] approach girls or women[3] flirt with girls[4] hit on somebody[5] sweet-talk somebody
A comes on to B = A 喜歡 B,所以 A 對 B 特別好,有曖昧的感覺。
approach 指我去搭訕不認識的女生, 就是泡妞的意思。
flirt 是調情的意思, 是搭訕之後更進一步的動作。
hit on somebody = 搭訕某人
sweet-talk 也是調情的意思,通常指男生用好聽的話稱讚女生,藉此博得好感
approach 指我去搭訕不認識的女生, 就是泡妞的意思。
flirt 是調情的意思, 是搭訕之後更進一步的動作。
hit on somebody = 搭訕某人
sweet-talk 也是調情的意思,通常指男生用好聽的話稱讚女生,藉此博得好感
- 他愛泡朋友的女性朋友.
- (在酒吧) 我們來泡妞吧.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
盜版CD光碟片的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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