放某人鴿子 的英文怎麼說
- A: Have you seen Ivy lately?
B: Don't you mention her. She keeping flaking on me. She's dead to me.
A: What a flake! Sorry to hear that. I guess I'll stop asking her out too. - A: Hey, where is Jay? I have his name here on the sign up sheet but I cannot find him.
B: He's a no show. - I was supposed to meet her at the train station, but I got stood up. I called her many times but she didn't answer the phone.
- We were supposed to go out today, but she blew me off for some ridiculous excuse.
- As soon as my date and I met, she bailed saying something urgent came up and she needed to go take care of it. What a liar.
[1] stand somebody up; blow somebody off[2] didn't show up
a no show[3] bail[4] to flake on somebody[5] (noun) a flake
a no show[3] bail[4] to flake on somebody[5] (noun) a flake
stand somebody up 最普遍, 特別用在別人故意未赴約的情況,也就是說,到了約定的時候未赴約,又聯絡不到人,就可用 stand somebody up,假設此人在約會的時間之前就表明取消此約會,就不能用 stand somebody up,但可以用 blow somebody off,特別是當對方用了假藉口。
to flake on somebody 也好很用,意思是放別人鴿子
to flake on me = 放我鴿子
a flake = 常常放別人鴿子的人
例如你跟我約看電影,赴約前一個小時你打來說你生病,但我認為你騙人,我就可以說 you blew me off。
no show 指一個人常常說會參加某個活動,到時卻沒有參加,此用語也非常常用。
blow somebody off 也很普遍, 是口語的說法, 一樣是用在別人故意未赴約的情況
bail 是開溜的意思
to flake on somebody 也好很用,意思是放別人鴿子
to flake on me = 放我鴿子
a flake = 常常放別人鴿子的人
例如你跟我約看電影,赴約前一個小時你打來說你生病,但我認為你騙人,我就可以說 you blew me off。
no show 指一個人常常說會參加某個活動,到時卻沒有參加,此用語也非常常用。
blow somebody off 也很普遍, 是口語的說法, 一樣是用在別人故意未赴約的情況
bail 是開溜的意思
- 我跟她說好在火車站見面, 可是我卻被放鴿子.
- 我們今天原本說好要出去, 可是她卻爽約 (也許臨時說有事情之類的).
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
好聽的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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