收斂一些 的英文怎麼說
- A: Robert needs to take it down a notch with the flirting because he is married.
B: He should not flirt with anyone. - Husband: Maybe we should try and tone it down a notch. The neighbors changed the name of their Wi-Fi to "I can hear you fighting".
Wife: I agree. Let's not fight anymore. - He flirts with other girls when his girlfriend is abroad. I thought he got his act together, but he didn't.
- My little brother is a college graduate now but still buries himself in video games every day. He should grow up. In fact, he should grow out of video games.
- He's an adult now, and I assume he's more mature now?
- In retirement, Robert is trying to pare down and rein in.
- We should rein in our spending and stop borrowing money from our relatives.
- A: My new boss was constantly on my case, so I told him to back down.
B: You shouldn't have done that. He's your boss.
[1] take it down a notch
tone it down (a notch)[2] get his act together
clean up your act[3] grow up[4] mature[5] grow out of some habit[6] rein in[7] back down
tone it down (a notch)[2] get his act together
clean up your act[3] grow up[4] mature[5] grow out of some habit[6] rein in[7] back down
[2]形容一個人的行為收斂了許多. [3]指長大以後就不再有某些習慣(通常指幼稚的習慣)了.
We should rein in our spending = 我們應該收斂點,別花太多錢
He is trying to pare down and rein in = 他正在花錢上收斂一點,節制一點
back down = (負面的)行為收斂一些,如例句,這種情況也能用 back off
[2]形容一個人的行為收斂了許多. [3]指長大以後就不再有某些習慣(通常指幼稚的習慣)了.
We should rein in our spending = 我們應該收斂點,別花太多錢
He is trying to pare down and rein in = 他正在花錢上收斂一點,節制一點
back down = (負面的)行為收斂一些,如例句,這種情況也能用 back off
- 他趁著女友出國又找其他女生. 我以為他收斂了, 看來根本沒有.
- 我弟弟到現在大學畢業了, 還整天沉迷於電玩, 真是該收斂點了.
- 他現在成人了, 言行舉止應該收斂很多了吧?
請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習
條條大路通羅馬的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 米苔目 f我要發問填空題
他包圍我了,掩護我。 (請填空)
He's got me cornered. Cver me.
下一題 - 刷悠遊卡