振作點 的英文怎麼說
- A (body shaking~~~): I just witnessed a murder. I am terrified.
B: Pull yourself together. The police will be here any minute. - A: I just broke up with my boyfriend. I feel so depressed.
B: Pull yourself together. There are plenty of fish in the sea. - His wife left him and he cannot get a hold of himself.
- When you feel tired, a cup of coffee will perk you up.
- Stop moping and do something you enjoy!
- A: Why are you moping?
B: My girlfriend just dumped me.
A: So? That's nothing to be upset about. Snap out of it and go do something!
[1] Pull yourself together.
Get a hold or grip of yourself.[2] Perk up[3] Stop moping (around).[4] Snap out of it.
Get a hold or grip of yourself.[2] Perk up[3] Stop moping (around).[4] Snap out of it.
Pull yourself together. 可說是最常用的句子,意思是「你要振作一點」或「你要鎮定下來」,常用在安慰對方,例如當對方目睹了一場凶殺案,非常恐懼,你就可以這麼對他說。
當一個人經過重大的打擊或挫折就可以用這些句子. [1]用在鼓勵別人從不好的事情或是紊亂的思緒中振作起來, 普遍又好用. [2]用在從沒有精神到有精神的過程. moping 是憂鬱的意思, 所以 stop moping 就是「不要再憂鬱, 要振作起來」的意思, 算滿常用的.
當一個人經過重大的打擊或挫折就可以用這些句子. [1]用在鼓勵別人從不好的事情或是紊亂的思緒中振作起來, 普遍又好用. [2]用在從沒有精神到有精神的過程. moping 是憂鬱的意思, 所以 stop moping 就是「不要再憂鬱, 要振作起來」的意思, 算滿常用的.
- 甲: 我剛跟男友分手, 好難過.
乙: 振作一點, 天涯何處無芳草. - 他出了車禍, 所以無法振作起來.
- 當你累的時候, 一杯咖啡可以讓你很有精神.
- 別再憂鬱下去了, 做些自己喜歡做的事吧!
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心狠手辣的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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