打扮 的英文怎麼說
- I got all shaved up and primped up an hour before meeting my date because I wanted to look my best.
- He used to have an sloppy appearance. After several failed attempts to ask a girl out, he finally learned his lesson and cleaned up his appearance.
- She's grooming herself for the party.
- We are going to dinner; so go dress up now.
- She looks like a different person after she puts on her makeup.
- Look at her strange getup at the party!
- I know you like the clothes and makeup you are wearing right now, but I don't think the look fits you.
[1] groom[2] dress up[3] put on makeup[4] getup; outfit[5] look[6] clean up one's appearance
clean up one's appearance 白話又貼切,男女為某種場合打扮 (噴香水, 抹髮膠等) 可用[1]. [2]很常用, 泛指穿衣服的打扮. [3]指女性化妝. [4]指一個人身上的服裝. [5]指服裝加上打扮, 就是一個人的整體外在.
I got all shaved up and primped up = 我把自己打扮的美美的,包括穿著、化妝、除毛、噴香水等,可用在男生或女生
I got all shaved up and primped up = 我把自己打扮的美美的,包括穿著、化妝、除毛、噴香水等,可用在男生或女生
- 她正在為派對打扮.
- 我們要出去吃飯了, 快穿好衣服.
- 她化妝後看起來變了一個人似的.
- 她在派對上的打扮好奇怪喔!
- 我知道妳喜歡妳現在穿的衣服和化的妝, 可是我不覺得這樣的打扮適合妳.
請參考 Engoo 線上英文
法律漏洞的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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