平分秋色 的英文怎麼說
- This is a nip-and-tuck election. or The election is a dead heat.
- The two runners are reaching the finish line neck and neck.
- The two companies are in a dead heat to get their similar products on the market.
- He plays the basketball as well as I do.
- We are equally skilled at the piano.
- When it comes to web browsing, it's Firefox that uses the least amount of memory. Opera Next places a distant second with a tally of almost 1.1 GB. Close behind in third place is Internet Explorer 10. Chrome and Opera 12 practically tie for last place, with both browsers just over the 1.5 GB mark.
- A: Who runs fastest, Andy, Ben, or Cindy?
B: Andy and Ben are tied for number two. Cindy is number one. - A: Who do you wager will win the fight?
B: While the two fighters seem equally matched, I'll wager $20 on Fighter A winning the fight.
[1] tie; draw[2] nip and tuck; neck and neck[3] in a dead heat[4] equal; equally skilled/skillful; as well as[5] evenly matched
equally matched
equally matched
請先仔細想想你要把這個詞用在哪裡, 再從英解中找出貼切的翻譯. [1]就是平手的意思. Nip and tuck 通常形容賽事, 而 neck and neck 通常形容比賽的人, 可當形容詞或副詞用. [3]通常指賽跑的人同時達到終點, 也可以使用在政治上或公司之間的競爭. [4]指雙方在某樣東西的技巧差不多, 譬如彈鋼琴, 打籃球等. [5]指兩個隊伍勢均力敵
勢均力敵(尤其用在打鬥或比賽的雙方) = evenly matched = equally matched
勢均力敵(尤其用在打鬥或比賽的雙方) = evenly matched = equally matched
- 這次選舉裡的候選人實力都差不多.
- 這兩位賽跑選手都差不多接近終點.
- 這兩家公司對他們相似的產品的推出不相上下.
- 他打籃球跟我一樣好.
- 我們鋼琴彈得一樣好.
請參考 EF English Live 線上英語
奧客的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 打 f我要發問填空題
抗議的名眾把路上的車子翻過來並點火。 (請填空)
The protesters overturnd the cars and set them on fire.
下一題 - 讓人聯想