太過份 的英文怎麼說
- I know I've made many personal jokes and some of them might have gone too far, but you gotta know I absolutely mean well.
- Her attitude was out of line.
- The way he's been treating me is out of line.
- The price is too unreasonable.
- He crossed the line when he joked about my race.
- Your behavior at the meeting was outrageous.
- Our vendor changed the product's materials without letting us know? That is an outrage!
- I turn a blind eye to your acts of theft because I know you are in financial trouble, but you are getting out of control.
- Andy: Ben, can I borrow your phone?
Ben: I would prefer that you not, but I won't go so far as to say no. - A: A friend of mine used to have his cell phone provider charge his phone for him for free. He really wanted to save money.
B: Wow. That's a bit overboard don't you think? - He thinks he's funny, but sometimes his jokes go too far.
[1] go too far[2] (way) out of line; (way) over the line; unreasonable[3] cross the line[4] outrage; outrageous[5] getting out of control[6] go so far as to do something[7] something is overboard
例句裡的 "I would prefer that you not, but I won't go so far as to say no." 意思是 "我希望你不要逼我做此事,但我不會過分到拒絕你。"
go too far 可說是最好用的英文之一,可用在人或事情,例句所說的 some of them might have gone too far 表示我說的笑話中有一些太過分,容易傷到人之類的。
I've gone too far = 我太過分了
That's a bit overboard = 那樣子做就有點太過份/過頭了
千萬別說「你太 over 了」或「You are too over」。
例句裡的 "I would prefer that you not, but I won't go so far as to say no." 意思是 "我希望你不要逼我做此事,但我不會過分到拒絕你。"
go too far 可說是最好用的英文之一,可用在人或事情,例句所說的 some of them might have gone too far 表示我說的笑話中有一些太過分,容易傷到人之類的。
I've gone too far = 我太過分了
That's a bit overboard = 那樣子做就有點太過份/過頭了
千萬別說「你太 over 了」或「You are too over」。
- 她的態度太過分了.
- 他對我太差了.
- 這個價錢太不合理了吧.
- 當他對我的種族開玩笑時, 就太過頭了.
- 你在會議上的行為實在太過分了.
- 我知道你經濟有困難, 所以才對你的偷竊行為睜一隻眼閉一隻眼, 沒想到你越來越過分.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
叫來的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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