坦率 的英文怎麼說
- My sharply worded advice to my brother helps him see his problems and improve himself.
- How did I do in the singing contest? Please be candid or honest with me.
- My sister is not forthcoming about her love life.
- Today my dad expressed his private thoughts with an uncharacteristic forthrightness.
- a candid review of the restaurant
- an outspoken critic
- What happened between you and her? Please be candid with me and hold nothing back.
- Let me be blunt with you. I do not want to marry you. So let's just be friends.
- Lawyer: I'll be blunt. My client did not kill your client. So stop insisting he did without evidence.
[1] candid; honest[2] forthcoming; forthright[3] outspoken[4] blunt
sharply worded
sharply worded
[1]比較偏向誠實的意思. [2]是坦誠最合適的字, 就是指毫無保留的說出一些平常不會說的話 (通常是因為隱私). [3]形容坦白的批評.
blunt 跟 sharply worded 指把事情不加修飾的直接表達出來。
I'll be blunt. = 讓我很坦白的說. = 我就坦白的說吧.
blunt 跟 sharply worded 指把事情不加修飾的直接表達出來。
I'll be blunt. = 讓我很坦白的說. = 我就坦白的說吧.
- 我唱歌表現如何, 請坦誠跟我說.
- 我妹妹對她的愛情生活不坦白.
- 今天我爸爸對我坦率地說出他心裡的話.
- 一篇對這家餐廳坦白的評論
- 一個直率的評論家
- 你跟她到底怎麼了? 請坦白跟我說別隱瞞什麼.
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
壓倒性的勝利的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
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原住民顧名思義,是原本居住於台灣的人民。 (請填空)
An aborigine, as the nam suggests, refers to one of the original or earliest known inhabitants of a country or region.
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