含糊其詞 的英文怎麼說
- When asked directly about his alleged affair, the presidential candidate only equivocated.
- Is there any harm in lying or fudging on my resume about my education?
- If the girl keeps fudging on her age she's probably embarrassed to let you know how old she is.
- The politician keeps waffling on the issue of a possible economic recession.
- The presidential candidate gave a noncommittal answer to the economic issues.
- The president speaks equivocally or evasively about the economic issues.
- I was trying to find out where my money went, but the bank staff kept giving me the runaround.
- If you ask your boss for a raise, he'll most likely give you the runaround.
- The computer graphics experts are being ambiguous about whether GIF can support more than 256 colors.
- He claims to be an expert in advertising, but when I asked him about his experiences, he glossed over them.
- Hey you are bouncing around. Can you focus on the question?
- Some governments tend to gloss over important global issues because they are too complicated.
- If you gloss over a mistake, an issue or an embarrassing situation, you make it seem less important by ignoring it or by handling it very quickly.
[1] (verb)
equivocate; fudge; waffle
gloss over
to bounce around[2] (adjective)
noncommittal; equivocal; evasive
ambiguous[3] give one the runaround
equivocate; fudge; waffle
gloss over
to bounce around[2] (adjective)
noncommittal; equivocal; evasive
ambiguous[3] give one the runaround
指對某件事情保持不確定或逃避的態度. fudge 很好用. gloss over 形容對事情含糊帶過, 轉話題之類的. ambiguous 表示含糊帶過的意思。
give me the runaround = 敷衍我,不給我答案,答非所問等
equivocate = 使用模糊不清的語言來避免承諾某件事或蓄意誤導他人,或含蓄的說謊以逃避責任,意思相當於左右而言他、含糊其詞、閃爍其詞、支支吾吾、拐彎抹角等。
to bounce around = 被問問題時,沒直接回答,跳來跳去,答非所問
give me the runaround = 敷衍我,不給我答案,答非所問等
equivocate = 使用模糊不清的語言來避免承諾某件事或蓄意誤導他人,或含蓄的說謊以逃避責任,意思相當於左右而言他、含糊其詞、閃爍其詞、支支吾吾、拐彎抹角等。
to bounce around = 被問問題時,沒直接回答,跳來跳去,答非所問
- 對經濟衰退的問題言詞閃爍
- 一個對經濟問題閃爍的答案
- 對經濟問題言詞閃爍
- 跟老闆要求加薪他就會含糊其詞
請參考 WUWOW 線上真人英文
忘恩負義的英文怎麼說? (二選一)
下一題 - 燈一閃一閃 f我要發問填空題
當我問他路的時候他對我傻笑了一下。 (請填空)
When I asked him for directions, he gave me a gofy smile.
下一題 - 溫室效應